SeaSensations, experimenta amb tots els sentits.
Què és SeaSensations? SeaSensations és una innovadora exposició, interactiva, multisensorial i immersiva en la qual el públic podrà dimensionar per primera vegada la immensitat, diversitat
Què és SeaSensations? SeaSensations és una innovadora exposició, interactiva, multisensorial i immersiva en la qual el públic podrà dimensionar per primera vegada la immensitat, diversitat
8 sessions online amb diferents temàtiques científiques que han donat visibilitat a la recerca bàsica en biologia evolutiva que es duu a terme al nostre
Vídeo interactivo Este vídeo muestra cómo la temperatura, la densidad y, en particular, la activación del sistema inmunológico, influyen en la diferenciación del sexo de
Explains how evolution is caused by the changes that occur in populations of organisms across generations. General objectives: To provide students with the opportunity to
NOVUM was the Science, Technology, and Innovation Festival of the city of Barcelona, celebrated in 2015, an opportunity for its citizens to interact with science,
YoMo (the Youth Mobile Congress) is the international science and technology fair, organized alongside the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. LCATM has participated with four
With this video, LCATM puts themself on the shoes of young people, showing the importance and implications of science in their daily lives. The video
Professors i Ciència” (‘Teachers and Science) is a series of training courses for high school teachers, improving their lifelong learning and specialization in their areas
LCATM has partnered with the CIRMF (Gabon), the CSIC (Spain), and the IRD (France), to improve public knowledge about evolution by showcasing an ongoing research
This outreach video illustrates the longest migratory journey of any species of insects: the round-trip migration of the Vanessa cardui (painted lady) butterfly between northern