SeaSensations, experimenta amb tots els sentits.
Què és SeaSensations? SeaSensations és una innovadora exposició, interactiva, multisensorial i immersiva en la qual el públic podrà dimensionar per primera vegada la immensitat, diversitat
Què és SeaSensations? SeaSensations és una innovadora exposició, interactiva, multisensorial i immersiva en la qual el públic podrà dimensionar per primera vegada la immensitat, diversitat
El Laboratori de Genòmica Evolutiva i Funcional de l’Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-UPF), el Departament de Genètica i Microbiologia de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Vídeo interactivo Este vídeo muestra cómo la temperatura, la densidad y, en particular, la activación del sistema inmunológico, influyen en la diferenciación del sexo de
Explains how evolution is caused by the changes that occur in populations of organisms across generations. General objectives: To provide students with the opportunity to
With this video, LCATM puts themself on the shoes of young people, showing the importance and implications of science in their daily lives. The video
“Fronteres del Coneixement” (‘Frontiers of Knowledge’) is a digital activity consisting in educational resources to explain concepts on frontier-research evolutionary biology to high school students.
The Laboratory of Evolutionary and Functional Genomics, led by Dr. Josefa González at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF) from Barcelona (‘González Lab’), is a
BCN Bio Pro Science Meeting was a meeting day in which more than 250 young students met with leading scientists, including a Nobel Laureate, to
EuroScitizen is a research network with around 200 members from 35+ countries, funded through a European Union’s COST Action, aiming to identify targeted strategies to
DigIBers is a pilot project of the Catalan Institute of Human Palaeoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES), for the socialization of research through digital dissemination tools