With this video, LCATM puts themself on the shoes of young people, showing the importance and implications of science in their daily lives. The video transmits the values needed to build an open, competitive and forward-looking society: reasoning, open perspective, tolerance and respect for evidence. With an innovative, clear design, the video explains the scientific method, evolution and the adaptation of humans and other organisms to their environments, the use of Drosophila melanogaster as a research model, and how basic science impacts the wellbeing of society, in topics as important as climate change and health. LCATM has written, directed, produced, edited, and post-produced the video.
8 sessions online amb diferents temàtiques científiques que han donat visibilitat a la recerca bàsica en biologia evolutiva que es duu a terme al nostre…
Explains how evolution is caused by the changes that occur in populations of organisms across generations. General objectives: To provide students with the opportunity to…