This outreach video illustrates the longest migratory journey of any species of insects: the round-trip migration of the Vanessa cardui (painted lady) butterfly between northern Europe and the African savannah. LCATM partnered with the Butterfly Diversity and Evolution Lab of the Barcelona’s Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF) to write, direct, edit, and produce this outreach video leveraging the footage of the researchers to teach the general public the incredible migratory strategies of this butterfly and how researchers can understand it. The video was funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), the Government of Catalonia, the European Commission, and National Geographic.
Què és SeaSensations? SeaSensations és una innovadora exposició, interactiva, multisensorial i immersiva en la qual el públic podrà dimensionar per primera vegada la immensitat, diversitat…
El proper dissabte 25 de novembre La Ciència al Teu Món (LCATM) en col·laboració amb l’Ajuntament de Barcelona organitza la segona edició de BCN Evolution…