LCATM has partnered with the CIRMF (Gabon), the CSIC (Spain), and the IRD (France), to improve public knowledge about evolution by showcasing an ongoing research project aimed at understanding the adaptation of Anopheles malaria mosquitoes to different environments. The video accompanies the researchers on-field and in the laboratory, showing how science advances through international collaborations. Through a field-trip in a Natural National Park in Gabon, the video explains to the lay public the importance of understanding species evolution, and how this understanding has consequences in our daily life and health. The video includes the educational actions performed by researchers in local Gabonese rural villages to raise awareness about the importance of the scientific project carried out in their communities. LCATM has written, recorded, directed, produced, and post-produced the video.
Track The Fly es parte del proyecto de ciencia ciudadana “Melanogaster, Catch The Fly!”, y permitirá a estudiantes de secundaria monitorear el impacto del cambio…