“Melanogaster: Catch the Fly!” (#MelanogasterCTF) and its international counterpart “aDaptNAtion” is the first European citizen science network on adaptation genomics. With a current network of around 20 participating high schools, the project trains teachers on the latest research advances on adaptation genomics through the workshops “Teach and Fly”, and allows students to experience scientific research hand in hand with leading European researchers, furthering their knowledge in key biology topics such as evolution and genetics-genomics. At the same time, the students’ participation accelerates, economizes and widens the scope of the research activities of the partner research consortium, DrosEU, providing crowd sampling in about 10 European regions for a network of 60+ laboratories in Europe and beyond. #MelanogasterCTF is co-led by LCATM and the Laboratory of Evolutionary and Functional Genomics of the Institute for Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF) from Barcelona, who have created, fundraised, developed and implemented the project. #MelanogasterCTF has the support of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the European Research Council (ERC).
El proper dissabte 25 de novembre La Ciència al Teu Món (LCATM) en col·laboració amb l’Ajuntament de Barcelona organitza la segona edició de BCN Evolution…