The science communication, dissemination and exploitation non-profit association “La Ciència Al Teu Món” (LCATM, meaning ‘Science in Your World’), is a multidisciplinary collective that brings together scientists and professionals in communication, culture, education, technology, didactics, and citizen science, with the common interest and commitment of promoting scientific culture in society, through the promotion of values such as critical thinking, respect for the evidence, cooperation, integrity and sustainability. For LCATM, these values are not only the pillars of scientific practice, but are also essential for the construction of an analytical, tolerant, inclusive, and fair society, with an open perspective and a vision of future, integrity and sustainability.
- MISSION: Building a fair society through the promotion of values core to scientific research
- VISION: increase partners’ value proposition, impact and success through citizen science, science communication, and science outreach
- 9+ years of experience (2011) in citizen science, science communication, and science outreach
- Throughout-the-value-chain collaboration: Design, Development, Fundraising, Implementation and Management of projects & activities
- Strong commitment (tight partnership)
- Contribution tailored to the project’s needs
- Strong collaborator network (top research institutions, international research networks) & knowledge of stakeholders