Professors i Ciència” (‘Teachers and Science) is a series of training courses for high school teachers, improving their lifelong learning and specialization in their areas of knowledge, so that they can transmit it in their day-to-day lessons, stimulating the scientific vocations among their students. LCATM has paired with the Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera and a number of top research institutions, such as the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF) and the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) to design, manage and deiver training courses involving 10+ researchers as teachers, and 30+ teachers as trainees, in topics such as ‘Biodiversity and function in marine microorganisms’, ‘Primate biodiversity conservation’, or ‘Language evolution research through Biology and Artificial intelligence’.
More information:
- ICM i LCATM en la 8a edició del programa “Professors i Ciència” (May 2015)
- Professors i investigadors jugant amb robots per comprendre la complexitat de l’evolució i el llenguatge. (Dec 2015)
- Joves estudiants, investigadors de gran nivell i un premi Nobel junts en un congrés científic extraordinari. (Dec 2015)
- Jugant amb robots: la teoria evolutiva i els misteris del llenguatge (Sept 2015)
- 7a edició del programa “Professors i Ciència” (Nov 2014)